Food Bio from Red Hot Mama
Dena may be the newest member but I hold the distinction of having the latest invite right before her. I was told by my children (all of you) that they wanted to make sure this blog would keep going before getting me involved. Little did they know that, once invited, I would be shy about getting started and that it would be months before I would post anything. Once started, however, I can't seem to stop! That said, I didn't see the request for a "food bio" when Joanna posted it and I'm six months late in writing one. By now, Dena and I have not only met but have found that we have several common interests, cooking and baking being two of them. That goes for Dad, too, although he isn't a blogger and won't speak for himself in this forum. The 'gator picture is of Dad, not me. I'm much prettier than that as you can plainly see!

Skill Level: Being your mother means that my capability is high and I am great at multitasking, other than when it's time to take the dinner rolls out of the oven while preparing Thanksgiving dinner. However, I don't have to do that anymore since Dena loves to bake. She will love it even more when Cherilyn replaces the thermostat in their oven!
In recent years, especially since he retired, Dad has taken over most of the cooking at our house but I still have my reputation as a Yakima County Master Food Preserver, Central Washington State Fair Food Preservation Judge, and winner of several baking trophies from that same fair to prove that my culinary skills were once top notch. There is more proof in the fact that I raised five wonderful and very talented children (you know who you are) and none of them starved.
Favorite Cuisine: If I had to choose just one, it would probably be Arizona Mexican and would most definitely include pinto beans cooked the way my mother cooked them as I was growing up. Beans are always better the second day and I love them hot or cold. In fact, I like most ethnic foods hot or cold. Dena and I share a love of hot pepper sauce (Dad and Cherilyn cringe when we talk about it or, better yet, put it on our food or sample it straight out of the bottle!)
Cooking or Baking: As your mother, never underestimate my culinary skills! However, I will admit to a love of baking cookies, cakes, and quick breads. I am not very skilled with yeast breads but love the smell of freshly baked bread. Therefore, Dad and I own a breadmaker!
Favorite Appliance: I suppose, if I could only have one, it would be the food processor because it chops easily and quickly, and is especially useful at Thanksgiving when making stuffing. However, I would beg to be allowed to keep the blender and the toaster oven as well. The blender includes the immersion blender doesn't it? After all, I didn't specify so I think it's only fair to let me keep both. Dad says that the stove is his favorite because you just turn it on and it heats up - no chopping wood, no gathering chips (If you don't know what those are, you didn't attend Primary as a child and sing the song "Little Pioneer Children."), and no smoke. It's almost as good as having running water! Dad also loves his Crock Pot and uses it often. Mom, however, got to choose what kind so it's a Tabasco Crock Pot!
Favorite Junk Food: Almost anything salty, spicy, or sweet!
Favorite Real Food: Refer back to "Favorite Cuisine!"
I'm quite sure that Dad and I own the most cookbooks in the family since they frequently follow us home from Goodwill. We love to read them, learning about different cuisines and food history. Do we try the recipes? Sometimes! Do we ever end up with two copies of the same book because we can't remember whether or not we already own it? Yes! Then it's Dena to the rescue because she's willing to take the second copy off our hands, loving cookbooks as much as we do. Welcome to the Family Food Blog Dena, and to the family >^..^<