Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pineapple Upside-Down Cake


PineappleUpside-Down Cake

It is said that thepineapple originated in the Caribbean Islands from a shipwreck. Thepineapple carried by an ill-fated Spanish ship was washed ashore. Itwas carried onboard, because the Spanish explorers ate it to preventscurvy – a disease that causes Vitamin C deficiency.
The pineapple upsidedown cake was first recognized in 1924, in a fund-raising cookbookand again in 1925 in a Gold Medal Flour ad. In 1936, Sears Roebuckadded it to its catalog; making is a familiar staple of Americanculture. 
Apineapple upside down cake begins with a layer of sweet pineapplethat is syrupy and glazed in butter at the bottom of a heavy skillet.This is topped with a cake batter and baked. After baking, thecreation is flipped over, producing a beautiful upside down pineapplecake.

I'm not sure how accurate the above information is but I thought it was an interesting story.  I made my first pineapple upside-down cake when I found the recipe in a magazine and decided to try it.  I seem to remember that we were living in Yakima, Washington.  Alongside the recipe, the magazine had an offer from the Dole company for a special cake pan so I sent for one and both Dad and I have used it for pineapple upside-down cake ever since.  Later on, I don't remember when, we picked up another pan in a thrift shop.  We must have done that twice over the years because when Dad got the pans out to make cakes for a party this year he found that we had three!  Since we never make more than two at a time, we sent the extra one home with Dena and promised to post our recipe on the family food blog.

This cake can be made in any kind of pan that you happen to have.  You can cut the pineapple slices to fit your pan and create your own design.  Should you, however, want the kind of pan that we have you can purchase one on   or search for a better price somewhere else.

Now – for ourrecipe! Pineapple Upside-Down Cake

¼ cup butter
½ cup brownsugar
5 to 7 slicesDole Pineapple
Maraschinocherries (optional)
1 package whiteor yellow cake mix for a one layer cake (such as Jiffy Cake) orone-half of a regular size package.

Melt butter,brown sugar and 2 tablespoons of pineapple syrup in an 8 or 9-inchskillet or cake pan or in special upside-down cake pan. Remove fromheat and arrange pineapple and cherries in mixture.

Prepare batteras directed on cake package. Pour over mixture in the pan. Bake ina preheated 350 degree oven 40 to 50 minutes, until cake tests done. Let stand 5 minutes. Invert on serving plate. Allow 2 to 3 moreminutes before removing the pan. Serve warm or at room temperaturewith whipped cream. Makes 5 or 6 servings.