So! I decided to surprise Cherilyn with an unusual new homemade bread when she came home! One problem, the flour and yeast were in the fridge and did not have time to get to room temp. So I attempted to gently heat said flour and yeast. I unfortunately burnt some flour, leaving a burnt popcorn like smell in the house...
End result is the bread machine got opened in attempt to locate the smell. This was during the second rise cycle, so I took the bread out, had it rise the old fashioned way, and put it in the oven. The only problem was this as a 1.5 lb loaf recipe, and I had only one loaf pan. You see what came out. =D
Despite looking like a potato or Super Mario Bro's mushroom, it was quite tasty!
According to Wiki, the name of this bread is a bit of a legend, originating from Massachusetts fishing communities. Anna kept feeding her husband cornmeal and molasses and he got mad one day and, while adding flour and salt, said Anna damn it, quit feeding me this stuff! The townspeople decided to bake it, it was yummy and the name and legend were born!
(Bad paraphrasing care of yours truly!)
Bread machine recipe:
1 1/2 lb version:
1 1/2C water
1/4 C dark molasses
3 Tbsp shortening
3 C bread flour (I used all purpose, worked fine)
1/2 C corn meal
3/4 t salt
1 t yeast.
Add according to your bread machine instructions. :)
Yes, 'twas I who opened the bread machine mid-cycle, ruining Dena's surprise. Oops.