Thursday, June 30, 2011

Welcome and Food Bio

In honor of our newest food blogger (as soon as Dena accepts her invite--hi Dena!) I thought it would be cool for everyone do do a little food bio to welcome her and get to know her tastes. This might actually have been a good way to start our blog, but it's way too late for that. So I'm doing it now.

Skill level: medium. I'm not intimidated by long ingredient lists, but I'm a long way from Top Chef.

Favorite Cuisine: Indian and Italian (I'm better at cooking Italian than Indian, though.)

Cooking or Baking: Cooking, usually stovetop.

Favorite Appliance: The fancypants rice cooker Akiko's parents gave us.

Favorite Junk Food: potato chips, all kinds.

Favorite Real Food: fancy cheese. I'm in love with Denmark's Finest Havarti.

Except for the occasional tuna salad for the kids, I cook entirely vegetarian. I'm not a good enough veggie to worry about rennet in my cheese or ask about chicken broth at the occasional pot luck or anything. I like veggies but I'm not great with fruit, and I prefer spicy to sweet. My recipe book is full of one-pot wonders and I've been trying to add more light, cold dishes for summer. Yum!