Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Does anyone make pies/tarts? Apple season is coming up and my local farmer's market is going to be overflowing with apples that are tempting on, like, Old Testament levels :) Ideas? Tried and true recipes? Mind you, I don't generally bake. I don't generally do dessert so I have very little experience in this way.



  1. Hmm . . . Eric's the baker. I know he's made his own pie crust but I don't know that he's made much actual pie. I'll ask him. He or his mom might know about this stuff.

  2. Likewise, Akiko's the baker around these parts. In the last three weeks she's made pear pie, apple pie, and peach cobbler, and they've all come out really, really good. I've been trying to get her to sit down and post the recipes. Maybe this'll be the encouragement she needs.

  3. Eric says he doesn't have good filling ideas but he knows how to make pie crust if you care about that. He says he sister makes great pies but he'd have to ask her about it. Which means for good filling recipes, Akiko sounds like your go-to gal.

  4. Dearest most esteemed sister in law, would you please assist me with some baking recipes?
